That so many women have chosen to get involved and carry the movement tradition, is awesome Josefina Kihlström

- It is called “Jympa” but it could be called anything, the important thing is the experience that comes with the training. We are many who have a strong relationship with that experience, many who love “Jympa”. I'm so damn proud of the squad of leaders who pushed “Jympan” forward and the majority of that squad are women. That so many women have chosen to get involved and carry the movement tradition, that is awesome, ”says Josefina Kihlström, training developer at Friskis & Svettis Riks, who is currently working on development within just “Jympa”.

- In the project I work with now, we want to focus on and reinforce all the great things that comes with Jympa. Playfulness, variety and smart training, says Josefina.

40 years of popular movement

Friskis & Svettis was the first player in Sweden to break through with group training in mass format and this year when Friskis, and the first form of “Jympa” turns 40, it is time to reflect on thet importance this movement revolution has had for society and for the people. In Friski's identity there is pride in the movement tradition and the non-profit forces that today create training for half a million Swedes.

- “Jympa” is our heart and our foundation, it was developed, broadened and carried us for almost 20 years. “Jympa” in its form still feels unique even when you look around the world at training conventions, says Annika Gärderud, who was there from the start and who is currently working on development issues at Friskis & Svettis Riks.

- It's about people, energy and music. From the feeling and energy of the music one can package movements and a whole concept. Just the desire to take in and to move to captivating music, this kind of musicality is in all people in one way or another. How we express emotions is universal, a bit like a football match when everyone rises and reaches for the sky with their arms at the same time when their own team makes goals, continues Annika Gärderud.